Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something old. Something new.....

Well you know the rest.

I took some old elements from the page and added some new stuff. A new 3-column layout, new colors, and a shoutbox. And then there is the blue. Things haven't been right with me for a couple of months now and without getting into it, the up side is, it's given me some time to focus. These updates are a direct reflection of that focus and a dedication of things to come.

Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just a quick one

I want to start post on a more regular basis. They'll probably be lame at first but it will get me in the habit and then I'll start looking at the more interesting things that happen in my life. Also got rid of the navbar. Hope it works out.

Monday, April 07, 2008

It's been a while

Not sure why I haven't been updating regularly. It's not like things haven't been busy or even exciting. I just returned from Guatemala a week ago. It was a great trip and a much needed getaway for me. My mom went. Her first trip to Central America I believe. She seemed to have a good time and time will tell if it affects her the same as it has me. The whole years worth of trips, almost 2 months worth cumulative, have been somewhat of a blur. However, I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting attacked from all sides to keep me from this but I will be strong and stay the course. I'm kind of working right now, monitoring some testing, so I'll be done for now and perhaps post more later. And some pics too.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Some time to think

We've been at the in-laws for a couple of days now. I like coming down here because it gives me a chance to relax and think. Lately I've really been thinking about what my values are and whether or not the things I do are supporting those values. And then I started thinking about how I tend to judge other people on their actions and yet I judge myself on my thoughts and intentions. hmmm... I wonder if everyone does this. I've been struggling with both of these and can't help but think that the two are related. Not sure what it all means but I suspect that some things are going to be changing for me.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Think I've had enough

This is a lot of fun. Doing updates and such. Working everyday with computers and doing the mundane have made me forget how much I enjoy doing some of the more artistic things. A couple of weeks ago I started working on a myspace page and now I've started on this one. This is all going to lead to other things but for now it's just a way for me to get back to the things I like doing.

Glad that's over

Several hours ago I thought I'd be real clever and use a new template I found. That was a disaster. Not only did it not work the way it was supposed to but I also had to redo some of the page that I already had. It did allow me the opportunity to change my logo banner and I am pleased with the results.

More More MORE!!!!!

I've been doing more updating. Added a link to my flickr pics. Not a lot there right now just some photos taken this last summer in Guatemala. Also added twitter. Read about it a while back and love the idea. Now if I could only get the texting from my mobile to work. Think it might be my service, it being a small town and all. And lastly, I added a voice comment area from snapvine. Kind of a cool service where people can call in and leave you voice messages and you can leave messages for others to hear. Time will tell how all of this works out but for now I'm having a ball just playing around.

Enough with the "Sample Posts" already!

Seems like I've written this a dozen times on a dozen sites or more. Drives me nuts. I just need to post some writing and get on with it.

Enough of that. Going to be updating quite a bit here in the near future. I've been planning for some time, researching elements and ideas and now I'm putting them all together. This is going to just be a site for me to rant, rave and just generally talk about whatever. I also plan to set up a travel site that will show where I've been, where I'm going, and updates during. This has also been in the works for some time and much more on it later.