Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something old. Something new.....

Well you know the rest.

I took some old elements from the page and added some new stuff. A new 3-column layout, new colors, and a shoutbox. And then there is the blue. Things haven't been right with me for a couple of months now and without getting into it, the up side is, it's given me some time to focus. These updates are a direct reflection of that focus and a dedication of things to come.

Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just a quick one

I want to start post on a more regular basis. They'll probably be lame at first but it will get me in the habit and then I'll start looking at the more interesting things that happen in my life. Also got rid of the navbar. Hope it works out.

Monday, April 07, 2008

It's been a while

Not sure why I haven't been updating regularly. It's not like things haven't been busy or even exciting. I just returned from Guatemala a week ago. It was a great trip and a much needed getaway for me. My mom went. Her first trip to Central America I believe. She seemed to have a good time and time will tell if it affects her the same as it has me. The whole years worth of trips, almost 2 months worth cumulative, have been somewhat of a blur. However, I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting attacked from all sides to keep me from this but I will be strong and stay the course. I'm kind of working right now, monitoring some testing, so I'll be done for now and perhaps post more later. And some pics too.